Friday, June 20, 2008

Word of the Day

renascent \rih-NAS-uhnt\, adjective:Springing or rising again into being; showing renewed vigor.


Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Word of the Day

ribald \RIB-uhld; RY-bawld\, adjective:1. Characterized by or given to vulgar humor; coarse.
noun:1. A ribald person; a lewd fellow.


Thursday, May 22, 2008

Word of the Day

cadge \KAJ\, transitive verb:1. To beg or obtain by begging; to sponge.
intransitive verb:1. To beg; to sponge.


Happy Retirement DAD

A painting I did two nights ago for my DADs retirement. SURPRISE! Hopefully he won't visit this page till after I give it to him over the weekend :)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Here's a self portrait I did about three years ago. Busy at work but still wanted to get something up today even if it is pretty old :) The intial idea for this came from the cover of Marilyn Mansons auto biography.

Word of the Day

sub rosa \suhb-ROH-zuh\, adverb:1. Secretly; privately; confidentially.
adjective:1. Designed to be secret or confidential; secretive; private.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


A digital portrait I did of an entertainer in the area. She wanted to be represented on a stage and this is what came together. Although this was ment to be the concept for the actual painting, it never materialized and this was as far as the project went.


Landscape I painted for a friends wife as a Christmas present. Three canvases sized 38inx24in and 36inx24in. Three days total including the stretching and priming of the canvas, for a total of about 18 hours over those days.

Word of the Day

Potemkin village \puh-TEM(P)-kin\, noun:An impressive facade or display that hides an undesirable fact or state; a false front.



I saw this quote eariler today and thought it was worth mentioning... I have no idea who said it.

"Wickedness is a myth invented by good people to account for the curious attraction of others."

Friday, May 16, 2008


I haven't had time to scan artwork this week so I'm putting this picture of my bella up in the interim. I hope to get some work on here over the weekend and hopefully be able to update this weekly with new art.